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Abstract Background

Generative AI
for Enterprises

We Build Custom Generative

AI Tools for your Enterprise

Our Expertise

Large Language Models

GPT 4 by Open AI logo
Dolly model by databricks logo
Anthropic logo
Google bert, google bard logo

Cloud & Model Hub

Microsoft azure logo
Open AI Logo, ChatGPT logo
Hugging face transformer logo
Vertex Ai logo, cloud and model hub logo
Amazon SageMaker logo

Data Engineering & Annotation

Label Studio logo
Power automate logo
Apache nifi logo
Amazon Athena logo
Python logo

Tooling APIs

Langchain model logo
Meta AI logo
DUST technology logo

MLOps & Observability

Ml flow logo, machine learning logo
Eleuther AI logo
Langchain logo

World’s Top 10 LangChain Contributors 

nasscom logo

Member of Nasscom’s GenAI Foundry Cohort

NVIDIA Inception Program logo

Part of NVIDIA Inception Program

msfounder hub.png

Member of Microsoft's
Founders Hub

Wavy Abstract Background

Connect with Us

Keen to know more? Join our Open Source Communities 


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Hugging face logo

Hugging Face 

Our Services

Our 4-Step Process to build your AI tool

Give us some space on your server and while you bring business insights we will discreetly set up the data pipelines, AI servers and set-up the template for fine-tuning them.

Industry & Org Specific Solution

Each industry has a specific business process, and the solution needs to address the workflow for optimization 

Task Specific Solution

Task specific model selection – extraction, summarization, Q&A, text generation

Model Selection

Options of choosing from a proprietary public model like OpenAI or finetuning an open-source model like Dolly or Falcon

Data Modernization & ML Ops

Data modernization for building products with ML/ Generative AI capabilties

We Take Pride in Our Numbers


Years of Experience


Team Members


Lines of Code


Countries World Wide


Client Retention

Unlocking Engagement Potential: Empower Your Growth with our Dynamic Engagement Model

We understand that businesses know their business better and we will never be a match for them. 


By the same token we believe that we are good at Generative AI and this being our core business we are better positioned to deliver results in this space. ​

When we partner with an Enterprise we come as AI experts who spend their team listening to the client and chipping in with our expert opinion when required. ​

We work with your Subject Matter Experts and Tech teams as their extended remote team.​

Hear from our Experts 

Featured in India Today
Featured in Business Today
Featured in Economic Times
Featured in News18
Featured in Business Standard
Featured in Livemint
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Experience the dynamic and rewarding life at Shorthills AI. Join our team of AI enthusiasts, work on cutting-edge projects, and shape the future of artificial intelligence technologies.

Ready to Evaluate Generative AI ?

Talk to us if you want to harness the power of Generative AI and use it to further your business goals

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